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- 荘 有坂
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- 言語学の研究者、3ヶ国語話者、英語講師。
- 例: The family worked hard on their farm and were known as honest yeomen.
自由な身分の農民; 自営業者:
- 例: In medieval England, yeomen were considered as freeborn peasants who owned their own land.
信頼性のある労働者; 従業員:
- 例: He has been a yeoman of the company for over a decade, always dedicated to his work.
"yeoman"の語源は中英語で、元々は「自由な農夫」を指しています。語源的には、古英語の "geong man"(若い男性)や "geongmon"(自由な農夫)に由来しています。
The yeoman proudly tended to his fields, growing crops for his family and the local community. (その自由な農夫は、誇りを持って畑を世話し、家族や地元のコミュニティのために作物を育てた。)
In medieval times, yeomen played a crucial role in sustaining the agricultural economy. (中世において、自由な農夫は農業経済を維持する上で重要な役割を果たしていました。)
She proved herself to be a yeoman employee, always going above and beyond in her duties. (彼女は自分自身を信頼性のある労働者と証明し、常に職務をこなす上でさらなる努力を惜しまなかった。)
The yeoman's dedication to sustainable farming practices earned him recognition in the local community. (その自由な農夫の持続可能な農業慣行への献身が、地元コミュニティでの認知を勝ち得た。)
The village was populated by hardworking yeomen who cultivated the land and maintained a close-knit community. (その村は、土地を耕し、結束の強いコミュニティを維持する勤勉な自由な農夫で満ち溢れていた。)